Krups and Te Bella- a Delicious Combination
To me, there is nothing that a cup of tea can’t fix. This is especially true of one of my favorite teas: turmeric tea. It has been known to prevent alzheimers and and has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. Turmeric also has antioxidant properties and has been known to prevent gas and bloating and can help your metabolism stay on track. In Eastern cultures, it is even used as an anti-depressent.

To make this tasty tea, I tested the Krups FL700 Electronic Tea Maker. This glass electronic kettle is a two-in-one product. It can be used as a convenient tea maker to brew hot and ice teas as well as a powerful water kettle. It is avaialbe online for $100.
I purchased the loose-tea at my favorite boutique tea shop, TeBella, which has a location on Davis Island as well as inside of Oxford Exchange in Tampa. Turmeric Ginger tea is available for $7.00–$47.60, depending on the amount.
Making the tea is easy, especially with the Krups Tea Maker. TeBella recommends steeping Ginger Turmeric for 4-5 minutes at 208°. The licorice root becomes more pronounced the longer you steep this blend. If you like the flavor of licorice root, steep Ginger Turmeric for a full five minutes. If you prefer to give the licorice root a more subtle presence, limit your steeping time to only four minutes.
If you want to sweeten it, ditch sugar and try honey instead. Not only does it taste better, but the health benefits are greater than sugar.